The "Perfect" Relationship

 She said that she will always be there, he said that he will always support her every dream. She said she will never leave him, he said that he will never cheat. She said she will always be there for him regardless of the bank account status, she said love is beyond money, he said love is beyond sex.

This are the words we promise each other when the dream is starting and before it turns to a nightmare for some, some are true and genuine but others are a fiction of our imagination and how we view the "perfect relationship." we tend to forget the promises once we get to know the person we are with. Living a lie for days, weeks, months and even years before we open our eyes and see the truth in front of us. Living the fiction life of a perfect relationship.
Nothing is perfect and no one is perfect, the perfection comes from how you treat your partner, how comfortable you are around your partner, and how open your communication is. Let the person your calling "mine" be your best friend, let the person be your brother or your sister, let the person be the shoulder you lean on when your not okay, let your partner be the one who always lifts your spirit and motivates you to be the best version of yourself.
The moment you question your position in ones life, the minute you choose what to say and what not to say, the minute you force yourself to smile and the minute you force yourself to be happy, then your with the wrong person. Don't get me wrong, there will be disagreements, you will quarrel once in a while, you might not always agree on everything, but the most important thing is how you get over it and how you move forward from it.
No one asks for a perfect relationship. Everyone just wants someone who tries as hard as they do. Simple.


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