
 One of the greatest African leaders once said, "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." I came across this and thought to myself, "am I proud of the choices I've made and the ones am about to make? Do the choices reflect the good in me or the bad I lie to myself I don't have? We all have that "demon" inside us, Some more hidden than others and some just hide in the shadows waiting for the lights to go off so they can come out of hiding.

We tend to tame the evil within, but when it can't be contained whatever we choose to do will either make or break us. Today's society tends not to give us any choice in any matter, it's either this or that or nothing at all, it tends to choose our fate with how we dress or how we look, if you have dreadlocks you a "gangster" or a "jambazi" as they call them, you wear a short dress you are an embarrassment to society for showing too much skin. It made the choice of being comfortable with my skin and how I look and how I decide to wear a crime, the new generation's choices have become offensive to our mothers and fathers and our grandparents and some family members, being disowned for choosing to love regardless of the gender or even the age, choosing to invest over partying and unprotected sex makes one loose those who called themselves your "friends.".

We've become scared of talking about our feelings we've decided to shut down from the world and from the people we are supposed to look up to. In short what am trying to say is, we need to embrace change and one needs to feel comfortable when making a choice. Always choose happiness, always choose a direction you will be proud of, choose to leave behind those who don't wish you success and choose to walk with those who want to see you succeed.


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